All contest participants will receive a certificate of participation. 1st,ģrd and vocal 4th place winners will receive medals. Selection of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners and a 4th place winner in vocal categories will be determined using the judges score. Judges will award points to each participant using the adjudication forms provided.
Each soloist and ensemble at the state contest will be judged by at least two category competent judges.
Students may enter more than one category, but may not participate in more than one vocal solo category. The piece cannot be something that the students have previously performed with their school's large ensembles. Vocal Ensembles: Vocal ensembles will be categorized in only 3 groups: Mixed (treble and bass), Non-mixed Treble, and Non-mixed Baritone/Bass. Voice: Soprano, Mezzo, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass. Brass Ensembles: Trio, Quartet, Quintet, Sextet, Septet, Octet. Brass: Trumpet/Cornet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium/Baritone, Tuba. Percussion Ensembles: Small Ensemble (2-8 players). Percussion: Snare Drum (Concert or Rudimental), Keyboard Percussion (Xylophone, Marimba, or Vibraphone), Multiple Percussion/Drum Set, Timpani. String Ensembles: Duet, Trio, Quartet, Quintet, Sextet, Septet, Octet. Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass. Woodwind Ensembles: Trio, Quartet, Quintet, Sextet, Septet, Octet. Woodwind: Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone. Also, ensembles may not be led by a director) For example, an Octet means 8 people each performing on their own part. The following categories are available: ( NOTE: All ensembles can have no more that one on a part. Qualified entrants and alternates from other districts. It is possible that a District may send several entrants in a given category if there are If there are more 1st alternates than vacancies, then none will be selected. The 1st alternate from each District will be selected. The remainder of each list will be alternates and may be selected by the State Contest Chair to fill vacancies in their category not used by other Districts. & Ensemble Contest at the festival directors discretion. The first two students in instrumental categories and the first three for vocal categories on each list will represent their District at the State Solo Districts I-VI and Gem State) will prepare prioritized lists, by category, of all students who have entered the State SoloĮnsemble Contest at the district level. Judges at District Music Festivals (i.e. All ensembles may only have one person on each part. All ensemble members must be enrolled at the same school. The accompaniment must follow the performer, not vice versa.
Microphone, extension cords, etc.) must be furnished by the student and no extra time for set up or tear down is allowed, they must stay within their time limits. “Smart Music” or similar computer generated accompaniment may be used, but the program and all equipment, (computer, speakers, Digital Clocks will beĮach performance area and will be synchronized with the Tabulation Room Clock. No student will be allowed to perform before their scheduled time. Electronic timers will be used by Room Monitors to ensure that time limits will not be exceeded.
Total time limit for each performer will be: vocal-8 minutes instrumental-10 minutes Students must perform the same solo or ensemble at the State Solo Contest that they used to qualify at the District Festival.Be placed in the top two instrumental soloists or ensembles for each category or the top three vocal soloists or ensembles for each category in the District, at the festival director's discretion.The Texas list is updated each year byġst, so be sure to check it after that date for additions and deletions. All ensembles, vocal and instrumental, must come from the Texas List, Grade 1. Vocal solos must come from the Idaho List and vocal soloists must use the edition listed. Perform a solo or ensemble from the IMEA State Vocal Solo List or the Texas UIL Prescribed Music List.Be eligible for and participate in their District Solo/Ensemble Festival.To qualify for participation, a student must: This will be a solo & ensemble contest.