Rather than deriving from "AMOG", it derives from "AFOG" as well as being the combination of various preexisting words, such as mog, foid and "fucked".
Mog urban dictionary incel full#
Hairmogging - Hairmogging or hairmog is a form of amogging, and it means undermining a bald or balding person while being a male with a full head of hair (examples shown, below).Jawmogging - Jawmogging is a form of mogging where the male with the more masculine, larger or more chiseled jawline mogs a man with a weak or roundish jaw (examples shown, below).A brutal heightmog happens when there's a significant height difference (examples shown, below). Heightmogging - A heightmog takes place when a mogger is taller than the moggee.As prime example, the Incel Wiki showcased American fitness influencer Connor Murphy mogging a significantly smaller and less muscular man, who had to pull away his girlfriend from the scene as she observed Murphy flexing his muscles (shown, below). Mogging is often labeled upon a mogger's characteristics against the moggee or the situational impact of the mog itself. On January 1st, 2023, classic clips uploaded a video titled "definition of mogged", and it garnered over 287,500 views and 5,800 likes in 2 months. The video received over 24,500 views and 690 likes in one year. On March 16th, 2022, a video titled "Mogging photos with sad music :(" was uploaded by Shiftry1130 on YouTube. The video received over 637,000 views and 19,000 likes in one year. On September 14th, 2021, "MOGGED – A Meme Experience" was uploaded by Jack PGM. On July 18th, 2022, Twitter user replied to a Shirtless Elon Musk joke with a photograph of Jeff Bezos on a yacht, commenting, "mogged by Jeff Bezos." The tweet (shown below, right) gained over 90 retweets and 5,200 likes in eight months. For example, on February 10th, 2022, iFunny user Ismael posted a screenshot of a 4chan post that gained over 7,00 smiles on the app in one year (shown below, left). More posts about mogging, including screenshots of 4chan posts, were circulated online in the early 2020s. On September 12th, 2021, Instagram page memes.to.depth posted an INTJ Stare meme that gained over 1,900 likes in two years (shown below, right). For example, on January 16th, 2021, Instagram meme account dark_iron_gains posted a meme using the phrase that gained over 36,000 views and 5,600 likes in two years (shown below, left). The term saw initial spread outside of imageboards and incel subreddits in early 2021 when it started appearing in memes and humorous posts on Instagram, Twitter and iFunny.

On December 30th, 2016, a British user complained about getting height-mogged in a /fit/ thread (shown below, right). For example, on May 19th, 2016, a 4chan user used the term in a post about a 7 feet tall bodybuilder in /fit/ (shown below, left). The word has been used on fitness forums and imageboards since at least 2016.

Mogging can be accomplished through various means, but commonly boils down to appearing superior to another person, be it through being more physically attractive, being in a better shape, having better clothes or being smarter than them. The word "mogging" is derived from the acronym AMOG, which stands for "alpha male of the group," and stands for "dominating another person." The word originated in the pickup artist community, who advocated mogging other men as a way to attract women.