Leave a guild project 1999
Leave a guild project 1999


I don't use a MMO and voice coms for that. If I want to socialize with humans, hear humans talk about BS I either call someone on the phone, or go meet them in person, or write them letters/emails. I understand for strategic reasons why guilds and MMO gamers like it, but the social aspects of voice coms ruins the sole reason why I log into a MMO in the first place.

leave a guild project 1999

Having voice coms on, that removes all escape and immersion for me. Honestly I have always liked MMOs for ther ambience of the games, it allows me an escape from people. Work, jobs, bad family, favorite foods, etc. Why? Because when you were not in battle, you had to hear people talk about everything I logged in to not hear about. I rather suffer the slower communication via typing than use voice to target faster. I played SWTOR, and some PVP dudes would mandate that you join their voice and I HATED it. Also, even the most hardcore raid guilds have players leveling alt toons, so no matter the guild you can usually find people who want to level with you. I have never, ever enjoyed voice coms on EQ, EQ2, or ANY other MMO period. Havent played blue since green launched but Dawn Believers back in the day was a good guild that welcomed all players. I always thought you were a weirdo (like me) if you didn't enjoy voice coms. Perhaps this is why some guilds make it a rule that their guild members stay out of RNF, just to be sure they have no one loses their shit and totally goes bonkers? I suppose if someone is unable to process the forumquesting of others without getting emotionally unhinged, then it is best they stay out of RNF. I am still surprised at how angry people can get on the forums though, over quite inane things like discussions on gaming mechanics or what race is better than others etc etc. This pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter too. Then, nothing that goes on in here will impact their precious little safespace brains that can't handle lively banter and avatar-jousting. If they don't like RNF, they don't ahve to read it. Of course, I am speaking metaphorically here (this is to confuse the idiots who think RNF posting ban will improve their guild of elves). Has anyone tried creating a guild without any members I heard that technically you need a few people, but do the GM's actually ask who they are or need people to all be 'online' I ask because I've seen some wierd named and obscure guilds running around with just the sole person in them. The only people who actually think RNF impacts their EQ experiences are the ones who don't understand the importance of separation of church and state.


If everyone left those guilds who don't love freedom, free speech, and expression, we would have a much more lively forum community.

leave a guild project 1999 leave a guild project 1999

If your guild of elves is banning you from having fun posting on a forum, you should leave them immediately.


The rule was really big 3 ish years ago but I feel like it's dwindled down to the lower end guilds which doesn't make sense but then again I'm all for free speech just don't be overly rude Most are guild wide unless you are an officer.

Leave a guild project 1999